Going Grey - Why Representation Matters!

Going Grey - Why Representation Matters!

When you look at most fitness channels, you see one body type - super fit! Many fitness content creators go to great lengths to achieve results, dedicating their lives to training, a carefully managed diet, sleep and recovery. This isn't always realistic for the average person who wants to stay healthy while living a balanced life. Not to mention, being fit is their entire job! 

One goal I have at Earth & Owl is to workout regularly with people of all ages, body types, fitness abilities and from all walks of life. Keep in mind that I live in a small rural community and it isn't always easy finding people willing to appear on camera. While you may be able to discern the approximate age or fitness ability of someone on my channel, what you don't see are the challenges they face off camera. My participants include but are not limited to a single mother working multiple jobs, a grandmother caring for a sick family member, a catastrophic car accident victim, a business owner with four small children, a hard working sun up to sun down farmer, and more! This is what fitness looks like - navigating daily challenges while making room for your own health.

One of the ways I show up and do my best to be a positive role model is by embracing healthy aging. I don't have a hair and makeup team or fancy production crew. It's just me, my rebounder and a bedroom turned studio in the farmhouse built by my great grandparents. Do I always love the way I look on camera? Heck no, but I'm committed to showing up no matter what! Embracing going grey at 44 is part of that commitment. I hope it gives others permission to come as they are. This channel is for all bodies and all abilities!

Some days you'll have time for an hour long workout. Other days you'll be exhausted and 10 minutes is all you can do. Any and all efforts to move your body consistently are valuable! Take it one day at a time. You can count on me to keep cranking out the workouts. Join me as often as you can, even if it's only for a few minutes. We can do this together!

Shout out to all the brave individuals who appear on camera with me. You are incredible and prove every single day that representation matters!

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I love how authentic you are….keep it up, we need to have fitness instructors just like you!!


I love that we are the same age! 44 will rock!!

Elin Fair

I am so glad to have found you. After watching your free content and loving your way of ‘keeping it real’ for all people, I joined your membership. I feel like, with you and your lovely video participants, I will finally enjoy exercise. Thank you.

Julie (from UK)

Rebounder arrive today and I put together!


You are a rock in this storm of life. I’m so thankful to have found your little corner of the internet.
I have always espoused that we raise one another up, that we are only as strong as our weakest player and this is the spirit you’re putting out there. No one will ever know how hard it is to do what you’ve done in building your brand. You rock this bigtime and I’m excited to discover rebounding but mostly to discover Earth & Owl. 🌎 &🦉
Totally good vibes here 🙏🏽

Vince Doss

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