What trampoline do you recommend?
I use the Jumpsport 350Pro. It works well for nearly all participants and has a 300 pound weight rating. You can purchase directly from me under the "products" tab. I only sell the Jumpsport PRO series models. They are very high quality and work for most body types.
Which size is better, the 39 or 44 inch?
Most people adapt to whichever size they buy. If you are tall or have long legs, you may benefit from the larger diameter. If you have a small house or storage is a concern, you will adapt to the smaller size. The 350Pro and 370Pro are 39 inches. The 500 series models are 44 inches.
Are there any rebounders that hold over 325 pounds?
Yes, I recommend the Bellicon rebounder if you are over 325 pounds.
Should I get the handlebar?
If you are concerned about your balance, get the handlebar! It'll give you peace of mind. I like to incorporate the handlebar into many of my classes, including some of the more challenging ones!
Barefoot or Shoes?
Rebounding barefoot can help strengthen the muscles of your feet and ankles as well as improve balance and proprioception; however, if you feel more comfortable in shoes, that is absolutely fine too. Personally speaking, I prefer shoes for my more intense workouts.
I just started. Why do my feet, ankles, calves, knees, low back hurt?
Rebounding is much harder than it looks. Proper form is necessary. Review the form tutorial in the "getting started" playlist on the Earth & Owl YouTube channel. Many people lack the strength necessary to safely rebound for an extended period of time when they first begin. It is very important to stretch both before and after a workout. You may also need to start slow.
How long should I rebound when first starting?
Why can't I lift my feet off the mat?
First, it's important to know that you do not have to jump off the surface of the mat in order to receive the health benefits from rebounding. Many people choose to stay connected to the mat surface for a low impact, low intensity workout. It takes time for your body to adjust when you first begin and you may need to build more strength before getting "airborne".
What if I have bladder leakage?
It is critical that you practice good rebounding form. This will help you stay safe and help with bladder leak issues. I stop liquids about 90 minutes before my workout. I use the restroom right beforehand and I do not bounce high. It is important to stay hydrated, but try to consume liquids earlier in the day and after your rebounding workout. Be sure to watch my form tutorial before beginning any Earth & Owl workout video. I highly recommend the speax by thinx underwear for light bladder leakage.
How do I join on YouTube and what do I get?
Click the "JOIN" button on my YouTube channel homepage to learn more about becoming a member. Or copy and paste the following into your web browser: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCafgYoJtJLLYLQDshX3eIWw/join The join button does not always appear on iphones and ipads, so using a desktop or laptop computer is best. Channel members get access to weekly live classes (available for replay) and members-only videos. See the "schedule" tab for class information.
What other equipment do I need for classes?
A selection of hand weights ranging from 1-15 pounds would be helpful. I also own a 15lb kettlebell. My Thursday strength class uses resistance and booty bands. A yoga mat, block and strap are used occasionally in my Sunday class. Click here for my Amazon page and equipment recommendations.
Do you have a community page or support group?
I recommend joining my private Facebook group Rebounding for Beginners and Seniors.
Do rebounders work in apartments?
That answer really depends on your building. Some people have had no problems using a rebounder in their apartment. Others say it is disturbing to neighbors. The rebounders themselves are very quiet, but neighbors may feel the vibration from you jumping.
Can I rebound with bad knees, a bad back or other health conditions?
Consult your physician before beginning this or any exercise program. Many people with health conditions including knee and hip replacements do get physician approval, but it's on a case by case basis.
My plantar fasciitis and/or sciatica are flaring up. What can I do?
A consistent stretching routine can do wonders for your body and often times help eliminate various aches and pains. I suggest the yoga playlist on the Earth & Owl YouTube channel. There are some great foam rolling and myofascial release videos as well. Consult your physician if you are concerned about any health related condition.
Is rebounding a low impact exercise?
Yes, it's low impact, but not necessarily low intensity. The intensity depends on your effort.
What is your class schedule?
Please visit the "schedule" tab.
Where do you get your colorful leggings?
Many of my leggings are from Kdeer. The company sadly closed due to supply issues during the pandemic. Now I often buy from Terez. I've also purchased from the company Stronger.