New Year Fitness Challenges - Friend or Foe?

New Year Fitness Challenges - Friend or Foe?

I'm going to cut to the chase. As a life long health advocate and fitness instructor, I'm here to tell you that most New Year fitness challenges are not helpful. If you are inactive and then try to workout every day for 30 days, you'll likely be miserable. "Jumping" into rebounding too quickly could actually lead to injury. I encourage participants to create a New Year intention, but set yourself up for success by asking, "What can I commit to? What kind of routine fits my lifestyle? Could I keep this up all year long?" And perhaps the most important question to ask yourself is, "Why am I doing this?"

Earth & Owl will not be offering a 30 day New Year Challenge. What I am offering you is consistency. I offer four weekly live classes on my YouTube channel. They all combine elements of cardio, balance and strength. If you commit to following my live schedule, I guarantee you'll see results, whether it's an improved mindset, weight loss, increased strength or better balance. The workouts can be watched live or replayed at your convenience. Aim to complete at least 3 of the 4 workouts each week.

I also have a few challenge series available on my channel if you need something to get you inspired and motivated. These are meant to show all the fun you can have on a rebounder! In both challenges, I offer a variety of formats to help you determine which workout styles will keep you coming back. Try my Basic Beginner 10 Day Challenge here.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions! I'm happy to direct you toward a workout or playlist. May you live fully in alignment with your goals and values in the New Year!      

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Hi Nikki, Gday from Australia. All I want to say is that your videos are a lot of fun… I love the effort you put in to vary the movements and the fitness levels to make them suitable for varied stages of fitness. Look forward to more rebounding with you in 2023. 👏😊

Marie-Pierre Meier

Hi Nikki, I remember you doing a rebounding workout incorporating a kettlebell. I can’t seem to find it now. I really enjoyed it and would love to be able to find it again. I do have a membership. Thanks so much!


Hi Gail Pickens-Barger! Do you have the quick-release handlebar? I’d be happy to make a video demonstrating how to attach it. If it’s not quick release, that is an entirely different method and more challenging.

Nikki Hayes

I was searching high and low all over the Internet to see if there was a video on easy attaching the handlebar to the 350 pro an easy takeoff. The instructions that came with the handlebar we’re not all that easily to understand do you know of a video that shows that? Thanks. I am enjoying your videos and the Patreon. And my Jumpsport that I bought from you.

Gail pickens-barger

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